
Showing posts from September, 2023

Wise Integration of Technology

💻🎮⃢   💻🎮⃢   💻🎮⃢   💻🎮⃢   💻🎮⃢   💻🎮⃢   💻🎮⃢   💻🎮⃢   💻🎮⃢   💻🎮⃢   💻🎮⃢   💻🎮⃢   💻🎮⃢   💻🎮⃢ The two models I read and chose to discuss are the RAT model and Triple E Framework. These can both be summarized as a check and balance system for teachers and administrators alike. They are designed so that an instructor can look at their lesson involving technology to see where it stands and how it can be improved. When using technology it is vital to ensure the students are gaining understanding and experiences outside of the general teaching strategies. These models help educators be assured that their technology use is wise and useful.  THE R.A.T. Model The RAT Model encourages teachers to look at their technology use and examine if the technology is a Replacement, and Amplification or a Transformation from traditional lessons. This helps increase critical technology decision making.  Are we replacing a traditional lesson with technology meaning both are done the same way

Clark vs. Kozma

  CLARK VS. KOZMA Some say the world will end in fire Some say in ice From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire But if I had to perish twice I think I'd know enough of fate To say that for destruction Ice is also great And would suffice For some reason as I have been reading, and pondering the Clark vs. Kozma debate on whether or not media will influence learning, this Robert Frost poem came to mind. Upon reading the titles of the assignment I immediately thought I would side with Kozma. The reason why the poem comes to mind is because after reading Clark's argument, I do understand some of his point -- especially about how the delivery of the instruction is what is important. He insists that if learning occurs as a result of exposure to any media then the learning is caused by the instructional method embedded in the media presentation.  While this has merit, as the instructional method is of utmost importance, I agree with Kozma that learning is an